Sartorius Tools and Accessories Set for 1 L UniVessel BioReactor
The Sartorius UNIVESSEL-00045 Tools and Accessories Set is a comprehensive kit designed to support the operation and maintenance of a 1 L UniVessel BioReactor. This set includes essential components such as seal rings and gaskets to ensure leak-free connections, socket head screws for secure assembly, hose clamps for reliable tubing connections, and a specialized tool for convenient maintenance.
This accessory set provides users with all the necessary components for proper setup, operation, and maintenance of the 1 L UniVessel BioReactor. By using this kit, you can ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your bioreactor system, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.
Please note that Life Sciences Trading is not a factory-authorized distributor of the products listed in this store. The items have been acquired as surplus from leading life sciences companies.